May 2007 Archives

Garmin has released a beta of their point-of-interest (POI) download software for Mac OS X:

As with all beta software, take care!

We've released a minor upgrade and bug fix release to GPSy X® and GPSy Pro X® to our website. The feature list for GPSy X 3.40.2 includes:


  • Added support for receiving the display image from newer Garmin units.
  • Added support for certain USB serial devices, possibly including some Magellan eXplorist units.
  • When calibrating a map, GPSy now prompts with the text from the previous calibration point, which makes entering close data points much easier.
  • Improved data transfer support for various Garmin units.
  • Added an option to ignore GeoTiff data to allow manual calibration of corrupt GeoTiff files.
  • Set proper default NMEA-0183 baud rate.
  • Clearer error message when old GPSy license number is entered in GPSy X.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed NMEA issue which caused problems displaying speed and heading for come GPS units.
  • Fixed problem loading GPSy map calibration files.
  • Fixed bug in map calibration process that could trash memory.
  • Fixed bug which caused some error message to say "error".
  • Fixed memory trashing bug when loading GeoTiff maps.
  • Fixed memory trashing bug rarely seen when closing map windows.

You can download the new versions from our main website. Enjoy!

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