GPSy X and Pro X minor update

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We've released a minor upgrade and bug fix release to GPSy X® and GPSy Pro X® to our website. The feature list for GPSy X 3.40.2 includes:


  • Added support for receiving the display image from newer Garmin units.
  • Added support for certain USB serial devices, possibly including some Magellan eXplorist units.
  • When calibrating a map, GPSy now prompts with the text from the previous calibration point, which makes entering close data points much easier.
  • Improved data transfer support for various Garmin units.
  • Added an option to ignore GeoTiff data to allow manual calibration of corrupt GeoTiff files.
  • Set proper default NMEA-0183 baud rate.
  • Clearer error message when old GPSy license number is entered in GPSy X.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed NMEA issue which caused problems displaying speed and heading for come GPS units.
  • Fixed problem loading GPSy map calibration files.
  • Fixed bug in map calibration process that could trash memory.
  • Fixed bug which caused some error message to say "error".
  • Fixed memory trashing bug when loading GeoTiff maps.
  • Fixed memory trashing bug rarely seen when closing map windows.

You can download the new versions from our main website. Enjoy!


> possibly including some Magellan eXplorist units

I've got an eXplorist 300, bought to locate one particular botany-and-bug-collecting site for some researchers. OK, that worked, photographed the screen and can send the info along with the flowers and bugs.

Now, to fiddling .... anyone actually tried this with an eXplorist 300? I see it's just barely a new 'maybe' for the software, as I arrive naive.

I found I can buy a 3rd party data cable for it, so may be able to move info from it to either my Clie PDA or my Powerbook (10.3.9, 2000/"Pismo").

I'm waiting on the cables, first venture.

Postscript to previous --- this is the supplier for the cable for the eXplorist 300 (and 100, 200) data cable. When it arrives, I'll try the demo GPSy and let you know, if nobody's already reported on it.

OK, I just got a set of waypoints downloaded successfully from a Magellan eXplorist 300, using the third party data cable from Hong Kong.

I have no idea why it finally worked; I've tried a couple of dozen times over 18 hours, had the Mac freeze repeatedly (had to power cycle it several times); had to rebuild the directory each time.

Somehow, now, I've got a file on the computer.

Registration paid, I'll hang on and keep you posted. pointer welcome if there's abetter topic for this feedbacl

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